VAN TASSEL DAVID; KENNETH A. ALBRECHT; ARVID A. BOE; YANIV BRANDVAIN; TIMOTHY CREWS; MARKUS GANSBERGER; GONZÁLEZ-PALEO, LUCIANA; VALENTIN PICASSO RISSO; DAMIÁN RAVETTA; KATHRYN TURNER; ALEJANDRA VILELA; PHILIPP VON GEHREN, CHRISTIAN WEVER. 2017. Accelerating Silphium domestication: an opportunity to develop new crop ideotypes and breeding strategies informed by multiple disciplines. Crop Science 57: 1274-1284 doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0834

GONZALEZ-PALEO, L., VILELA, A., RAVETTA, D.A. 2016. Back to perennials: Does selection enhance tradeoffs between yield and longevity? Industrial Crops and Products 9: 272-278

VILELA AE, AGÜERO, PR, GONZÁLEZ-PALEO L., RAVETTA, DA. 2016. Long-term effect of carbohydrate reserves on growth and reproduction of Prosopis denudans (Fabaceae): implications for conservationof woody perennials. Conservation Physiology 4:12-36

GONZÁLEZ-PALEO, L., PASTOR-PASTOR, A., VILELA, A.E., RAVETTA, D.A. 2015. Utilización de cultivos perennes en rehabilitación: ¿qué criterios ecofisiológicos deben ser utilizados para guiar la selección? En: “Restauración Ecológica en la Diagonal Arida de la Argentina. 2.” Eds.Martinez Carretero y Antonio Dalmasso. ISBN ES 978-987-33-7114-1 pp.61-74

VILELA AE, GONZÁLEZ-PALEO L. 2015. Changes in resource-use strategy and phenotypic plasticity associated with selection for yield in wild species native to arid environments. Journal of Arid Environments 113: 51–58.

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VILELA, AGÜERO, GONZÁLEZ-PALEO AND RAVETTA. 2012. Long-term plasticity in growth, storage and defense allocation produces drought-tolerant juvenile shrubs of Prosopis alpataco R.A. Philippi (Fabaceae). Flora (Morphology, Distribution and Functional Ecology of Plants) 207:436-441.

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VILELA, A.; GONZÁLEZ-PALEO, L. & RAVETTA, D. 2011. Metabolismo secundario de plantas leñosas de zonas áridas: mecanismos de producción, funciones y posibilidades de aprovechamiento. Ecologia Austral 21:317-327.

VILLAGRA, P.E., VILELA, A., GIORDANO, C & ALVAREZ, J. 2010. Ecophysiology of Prosopis species from the arid lands of Argentina: What do we know about adaptation to stressful environments? In: Desert Plants K.G. Ramawat Eds. Pag. 321-340; Springer-Verlag Berlin.

VILELA, A.; BOLKOVIC, M.L.; CARMANCHAHI, P; CONY, M.; DE LAMO, D. & WASSNER, D. 2009. Past, present and potential uses of native flora and wildlife of the Monte Desert. Trabajo invitado para el número especial del Monte en la serie Deserts of the World de Journal of Arid Environements 73:238-243

VILELA, A., GONZÁLEZ-PALEO, L., RONDANINI, D. AND RAVETTA, D. 2008. Biomass allocation patterns and reproductive output of four Oenothera L. accessions native to Argentina. Industrial Crops and Products 27:249-256

VILELA, A.; CARIAGA, R.; GONZÁLEZ-PALEO, L. & RAVETTA, D. 2008. Trade-offs between reproductive allocation and storage in species of Oenothera L. (Onagraceae) native to Argentina. Acta Oecológica 33:85-92.