González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2017 Relationship between photosynthesis, water use and leaf structure in desert annual and perennial forbs differing in growth. PHOTOSYNTHETICA- En prensa. PDF

Van Tassel,D.,  Albrecht, K., Bever, J., Boe, A., Brandvain, J., Crews, T., Gansberger, M., Gerstberger, P., González-Paleo, L., Hulke, B., Kane, N., Johnson, P., Picasso Risso, V.,  E., Pestsova, J., Prasifka, D., Ravetta, B., Schlautman, C., Sheaffer, K., Smith, P., Speranza, K., Turner, A., Vilela, P., von Gehren, and C., Weaver. 2017 Accelerating Silphium domestication: an opportunity to develop new crop ideotypes and breeding strategies informed by multiple disciplines. Crop Science.

González-Paleo, Luciana; Pastor-Pastor, Alejandro; Bär-Lamas, Marlene; Vilela, Alejandra; Ravetta, Damián. 2016. Spontaneous seedling recruitment as an alternative to conventional seeding in fragile cropping environments. A case study with four species of Physaria (Brassicaceae), a new crop for arid environments. Ecología Austral. 26: 311 – 322. PDF

González-Paleo, L., Vilela, A.E., Ravetta, D.A. 2016. Back to perennials: Does selection enhance tradeoffs between yield and longevity? Industrial Crops and Products, 91: 272-278. PDF

Vilela, A.E., Agüero, P.R., Ravetta, D.A., González-Paleo, L. 2015. Long-term effect of carbohydrate reserves on growth and reproduction of Prosopis denudans (Fabaceae): implications for conservation of woody perennials. Conservation Physiology. 4: 1-9. PDF

González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2015. Carbon acquisition strategies uncoupled from predictions derived from species life-cycle. FLORA. 212: 1–9 PDF

Vilela, A., and González Paleo, L. 2015. Changes in resource use strategy and phenotypic plasticity associated with selection for seed yield in species native to arid environments. Journal of Arid Environmet. 113-51-58. PDF

Pastor-Pastor, A., González-Paleo, L., Vilela, A., and Ravetta, D. 2014. Age-related changes in nitrogen resorption and use efficiency in the perennial new crop Physaria mendocina (Brassicaceae). Industrial Crops and Products. 65: 227–232. PDF

Zijuan Zhou, Peixi Su, González-Paleo, Luciana, Tingting Xie, Shanjia Li, Haina Zhang. 2014. Trade-off between leaf turnover and biochemical responses related to drought tolerance in desert woody plants. Journal of Arid Environment. 103-107-113. PDF

Masnatta, W.J., González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2012. Estructura y productividad de una población silvestre de Physaria mendocina (Brassicaceae). Implicancias para su desarrollo como cultivo oleaginoso. Ecología Austral. 22, 000-005. PDF

Vilela, A.E., Agüero, P.R., González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2012. Long-term plasticity and allometric trajectories in growth, storage and defense allocation in a perennial shrub. Flora. 207: 436– 441. PDF

González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2012. Allocation patterns and phenology in wild and selected accessions of annual and perennial Physaria (Lesquerella, Brassicaceae). EUPH. 186 (2): 289-302. PDF

Vilela, A.E., González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2011. Metabolismo secundario de plantas leñosas de zonas áridas: mecanismos de producción, funciones y posibilidades de aprovechamiento. Ecología Austral. 21:000-008. PDF

González-Paleo, L. Ravetta, D. 2011 Relationships between reproductive output, morpho-physiological traits and life span in Lesquerella (Brassicaceae). Ind. Crops Prod. 34:1386-1392. PDF

González-Paleo, L. Ravetta, D. 2011 Indirect changes associated with a selection program for increased seed-yield in wild species of Lesquerella (Brassicaceae): are we developing a phenotype opposite to the expected ideotype? Ind. Crops Prod. 34:1372-1380. PDF

Vilela, A., González-Paleo, L., Rondanini, D., Ravetta, D.A. 2008. Biomass allocation patterns and reproductive output of four Oenothera L. accessions native to Argentine. Ind. Crop. Prod. 27: 249-256. PDF

Vilela, A., Cariaga, R., González-Paleo, L., Ravetta, D.A. 2008. Trade-offs between reproductive allocation and storage in species of Oenothera L. (Onagraceae) native to Argentina. Acta Oecologica 33: 85-92. PDF