2018 – ongoing – AGENCIA MinCyT PICT 2018 1848 “Origen, Extinción y Patrones de Diversificación de los Meiolaniformes y Pan-Quélidos (Testudinata) durante el intervalo Cretácico-Paleógeno en el sur de Sudamérica”. [Member of the Research Group]
2017 – 2019 – AGENCIA MinCyT PICT 2016 B 2334 “Análisis Filogenético de las tortugas terrestres (Testudines: Testudinidae) y la Historia Evolutiva de los testudínidos de Sudamérica”. [Lead Researcher]
2017 – ongoing – Editing of the volume “The Fossil Vertebrates of Greece”, to be published by Springer Nature in 2019. This is a volume that summarizes the entire fossil record of Greek vertebrates.
2016 – ongoing – Contributor to the PaleoBiology DataBase, focusing on the records of Testudinata (turtles).
2016 – 2018 – National Geographic Society / Waitt Grant W435-16 | "The Gulf of Titanic Turtles: excavation and preservation of new fossil tortoises from the Neogene of Northern Greece."
2014 – 2015 – IKY-DAAD, “Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the European Giant tortoises” in cooperation with the University of Tübingen, Germany.